
The microscopy facility of the Campus Saint Germain des Prés (CSGP) offers access to photonic microscopy techniques (widefield, confocal, Airyscan, slide scanner) along with tools for image analysis and storage solutions. The facility is run by an operations manager and a scientific manager. The main decisions are made with the committee, representing each CSGP research unit and which is consulted approximately once a month. Located on the 4th floor of the UFR des Sciences Fondamentales et Biomédicales, the facility is open to the researchers, engineers, technicians and students of the building and to external teams/private companies. The ambition of the facility is to expand according to the users’ needs.


SPPIN’s seminar spring-summer 2024
Imaging cellular interactions and activity in the intestinal wall using linear and non-linear optical techniques By Prof Pieter VANDEN BERGHE Lab. for Enteric NeuroScience (LENS), University of Leuven, Belgium Mercredi, 5 juin, 14h00, SPPIN common room, 3è étage ©...
Abberior superresolution seminar
Le Service Commun de Microscopie en partenariat avec Abberior organise une Présentation «super résolution » : « Abberior propose diverses solutions de super résolution, allant de la résolution de structures aussi petites qu'une molécule à la simple mise à niveau de...
Nous vous invitons à venir nous rejoindre sur la plateforme du SCM de Faculté des Sciences Fondamentales et Biomédicales pour un workshop axé autour de nos dernières innovations en Microscopie Champ-large et Confocale. Du 25 au 28 Mars 2024Salle Poirier © Tous droits...
Atelier QuPath
Afin d'inaugurer le nouveau format d'atelier de la plateforme (SCMtech) nous avons le plaisir d'inviter Perrine Frère qui viendra nous présenter le logiciel d'analyse d'image QuPath. L'Atelier QuPath aura lieu le Jeudi 29 Février 2024 à 14h en P436 14h-14h30 :...
Leica : THUNDER Imaging Systems
Le temps est venu pour des systèmes d'imagerie de vous permettre de traiter facilement des modèles 3D biologiquement pertinents : les THUNDER Imager. 06 Février 2024Room P436/Salle du Conseil 13h © Tous droits réservés Afin de répondre à d'importantes questions...
IMARIS 3D/4D Visualization & Analysis Software
An introduction to 3D visualization & analysis techniques in Imaris by Georgia Golfis, PhD 16 February 2023Room P436/Salle du Conseil 14h00-1630 © Tous droits réservés 14:00 - 15:00 An introduction to 3D visualization & analysis techniques in Imaris P436 15:00...
Meet the UltraMicroscope Blaze TM
Discover how the UltraMicroscope Blaze TM deep learning revolutionized Brainimaging and Analysis Talk Given by Christian Feuillet - Miltenyi BiotecImage d’une lame virtuelle de moelle osseuse. © Tous droits réservés Contact & information :Fabrice...
arivis Vision4D – Introduction
arivis Vi sion4D - 15th Sep. 11-16H - UFR des Sciences Fondamentaleset BiomédicalesImage d’une lame virtuelle de moelle osseuse. © Tous droits réservés Arivis provides an image analysis platform with big data and ease of use in mind. Our tools are designed to take...



ZEISS LSM880 Fast Airyscan

– Room H423B

  • High-resolution confocal
  • 3D acquisition, time lapse, tiles, multi-positions, FRAP, spectral deconvolution
  • Fixed/living samples
  • Temperature and CO2 control
  • Definite focus 2
  • Software ZEN Black 2.3
Lasers Objectives Detection
405 nm
445 nm
488 nm
514 nm
561 nm
594 nm
633 nm
10x/0.45 Dry WD : 2 mm
20x/0.8 Dry WD : 0.55 mm
40x/1.2 Water Autocorr. WD : 0.28 mm
63x/1.4 Oil DIC WD : 0.19 mm
2 PMTs
1 spectral PMT GaAsP
1 Airyscan detector GaAsP
1 Trans-PMT


ZEISS LSM710 Confocal

– Room H423A

  • 3D acquisition, time lapse, tiles, multi-positions, FRAP, spectral deconvolution
  • Fixed/living samples
  • Software ZEN Black 2.1


Lasers Objectives Detection
405 nm
458 nm
488 nm
514 nm
561 nm
633 nm
10x/0.45 Dry WD : 2 mm
20x/0.8 Dry WD : 0.55 mm
40x/1 Water DIC WD : 2.5 mm
63x/1.4 Oil WD : 0.19 mm
63x/1.2 Water WD : 0.28 mm
2 PMTs
1 spectral PMT
1 Trans-PMT


ZEISS LSM510 Confocal

– Room H423A

  • 3D acquisition, time lapse
  • Fixed samples
  • Software ZEN 2009


Lasers Objectives Detection
458 nm
477 nm
488 nm
514 nm
543 nm
633 nm
2.5x/0.12 Dry WD : 6.3 mm
10x/0.3 Dry WD : 5.2 mm
20x/0.5 Dry WD : 2 mm
40x/1.3 Oil DIC WD : 0.2 mm
63x/1.4 Oil DIC WD : 0.19 mm
2 PMTs
1 Trans-PMT


ZEISS AxioScan.Z1 Slide scanner

– Room H423A

  • 100 slides magazine, 3D acquisitions
  • Fixed samples
  • Brightfield, Fluorescence, Polarization
  • Lightsource : Colibri 7 – LED System
  • Camera 1 : Hamamatsu ORCA-Flash 4.0 (2048 x 2048, 6.5µm)
  • Camera 2 : Hitachi HV F202 (1600 x 1200, 4.4µm )
  • Graphic tab
  • Software : ZEN 3.1
 LEDs  Objectives  Emission Filterwheel
385 nm
430 nm
475 nm
511 nm
555 nm
590 nm
630 nm
10x/0.45 Dry
20x/0.80 Dry
40x/0.95 Dry
DAPI, Alexa Fluor 488 / 555 / 647
QBP : 425/30 + 514/30 + 592/25 + 709/100
CFP, YFP, mCherry
TBP : 467/24 + 555/25 + 687/145
DAPI, FITC, mCherry
TBP : 425/30 + 524/50 + 688/145


Nikon Eclipse TE-2000E Widefield microscope

– Room H438A

  • 3D acquisition, time lapse, tiles, mutli-positions
  • Brightfield/Fluorescence
  • Fixed/living samples
  • Temperature control
  • Fluorescent lamp metal halide Nikon Intensilight 130W
  • Camera 1 : Photometrics CoolSnap HQ2 (1392 x 1040, 6.45 μm)
  • Camera 2 : QImaging Color Retiga 2000R (1600 x 1200, 7.4 μm)
  • Software : NIS-Elements AR 3
Objectives Fluorescence cubes filters
4x/0.13 Dry WD : 17.2 mm
10x/0.30 Dry WD : 16 mm
20x/0.75 Dry DIC WD : 1 mm
40x/1.30 Oil DIC WD : 0.2 mm
100x/1.45 Oil WD : 0.13 mm
Dapi  (377/50 D409 447/60)
GFP (480/30 D505 535/40)
TRITC  (540/25 D565 605/55)
Cy5  (628/40 D660 692/40)
CFP (436/20 D455 480/10)
YFP  (500/20 D515 535/30)


ZEISS Axioscope.A1 Widefield microscope

– Room H438A

  • Brightfield/Fluorescence
  • Fixed samples
  • Fluorescent lamp metal halide Zeiss HXP 120 C
  • Camera 1 : Progres MF-USB Jenoptik (1360 x 1024, 6.45 μm)
  • Software : ProgRes Capture Pro
Objectives Fluorescence cubes filters
5x/0.16 Dry WD : 18.5 mm
10x/0.30 Dry WD : 5.2 mm
100x/1.4 Oil WD : 0.17 mm
(sur demande 20x, 40x)
Dapi  (365 D395 445/50)
FITC  (475/40 D500 530/50)
TRITC (545/25 D570 605/70)
Cy5  (640/30 D660 690/50)


Analysis Workstation 1

– Room H420B

  • AutoQuant X 3.1.3 Deconvolution software
  • Ilastik 1.4.0
  • QuPath v0.5.0

Analysis Workstation 2

– Room H420B

  • Imaris 10 (Cell, Imaris XT, Coloc, Filament Tracer, Vantage, Batch)
  • ZEN Blue lite
  • ZEN Black lite (with Airscan processing module)
  • NIS Elements AR Off-line
  • ImageJ/Fiji

Laboratory fume cupboard – Sodatec

– Room H420A

  • 3 micropipets Gilson (P20, P200, P2000) + pipet tips
  • Dirt containers (sharp objetcts/paraformaldehyde)
  • Precision Balance


The images acquired on our systems are first stored on the acquisition computer. After each session on the systems, the user can transfer the files from the computer to our server (100 To). The images are stored on our computers for 6 months and for 3 years on our servers. After the delay, they are automatically deleted.


The microscopy facility provides trainings on all the equipments mentioned above, under request. The autonomous users can ask to be assisted by a member of the facility if needed. We also provide our expertise and advices to guide our users in their experiments regarding sample preparation, if possible, imaging and image analysis.



Equipements Tarifs d'utilisation interne académique CSG (HT) Tarifs d'utilisation externe académique Paris Cité (HT) Tarifs d'utilisation externe académique (HT) Tarifs d'utilisation privée (HT)
Sorbonne (Hotte Laboratoire) Gratuit Gratuit Gratuit Gratuit
Microscope Zeiss Primo Star Gratuit Gratuit Gratuit Gratuit
Slide Scanner Zeiss AxioScan.Z1 6 € / Heure
Scans longs nuit
(17h-9h) : 40€
8 € / Heure
Scans longs nuit
(17h-9h) : 55€
10 € / Heure
Scans longs nuit
(17h-9h) : 80€
21 € / Heure
Scans longs nuit
(17h-9h) : 160€
Microscope WF 1 - NIKON Eclipse-TE2000E 9 € / Heure 9 € / Heure 12 € / Heure 20 € / Heure
Microscope WF 2 - ZEISS Axioscope A1 Gratuit Gratuit Gratuit Gratuit
Microscope Confocal 1 - ZEISS LSM 510 18 € / Heure 20 € / Heure 22 € / Heure 36 € / Heure
Microscope Confocal 2 - ZEISS LSM 710 21 € / Heure 23 € / Heure 26 € / Heure 42 € / Heure
Microscope Confocal 3 - ZEISS LSM 880 26 € / Heure 32 € / Heure 41 € / Heure 73 € / Heure
Analysis WS 1 - Déconvolution Gratuit Gratuit 5 € / Heure 10 € / Heure
Analysis WS 2 – Reconstruction 3D Gratuit Gratuit 7 € / Heure 15 € / Heure

Contact / Access / Documention

Any question ? Please contact this address in order to have a better answser : / 01 76 53 10 77

Find the Microscopy Platform on the 4th floor of the Saints-Pères building and all the access details by following this link.

Charte SCM (PDF)
Remerciements UAR (PDF)



  • KCa1.1 channels contribute to optogenetically driven post-stimulation silencing in cerebellar molecular layer interneurons.
    Kassa M, Bradley J, Jalil A, Llano I
    J Gen Physiol. 2023 Jan 2;155(1):e202113004.doi: 10.1085/jgp.202113004. Epub 2022 Nov 3.
    PMID: 36326690
  • Virus-Free Method to Control and Enhance Extracellular Vesicle Cargo Loading and Delivery
    Bui S, Dancourt J, Lavieu G
    Bio Mater. 2023 Mar 20;6(3):1081-1091. doi: 10.1021/acsabm.2c00955. Epub 2023 Feb 13.
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    Front Neuroanat. 2023 Feb 9;16:1070062.doi: 10.3389/fnana.2022.1070062. eCollection 2022.
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  • The cell polarity protein Vangl2 in the muscle shapes the neuromuscular synapse by binding to and regulating the tyrosine kinase MuSK
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