MétaboParis-Santé – NMR for structural and metabolomics studies
Actualité : « Inauguration de MetaboParis-Santé » le 14 avril 2021.
RDV sur le site de l’Université de Paris pour plus d’information !
The Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) platform deals with requests for chemical and / or biological analyzes from the private and public sectors, mainly for or structural studies or metabolomics studies.

Vue générale sur l’équipement de la plateforme
(de gauche à droite) Congélateur -80°C, Poste de Sécurité Microbiologique type II, Robot de préparation, Appareil RMN, Console, Poste de pilotage
© MétaboParis-Santé
This platform, which relies on the spectroscopic expertise developed in the « NMR of Biological Substances of Interest » team (Dir N. Giraud) within the UMR 8601, allows to implement at the same time Routine 1D and multi-dimensional NMR analyzes, but also specifically develop complex sample analysis strategies in the context of scientific collaborations. Our equipment, our protocols, and the training of our staff allow us to collaborate with academic, industrial, and / or medical laboratories.

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News Tank Éducation & Recherche – Article #214621 – MétaboParisSanté : une plateforme faisant collaborer « universitaires et hospitaliers » (C. Clerici)
Sciences et avenir
Sur le site de l’Université de Paris
Sur le site de l’UFR Sciences Fondamentales et Biomédicales
Portail Biomedtech Facilities
Metabolomic analysis (MetaboParis-Santé project):
Since 2012, the platform has developed an original metabolomic activity by NMR using non-targeted methods (Fig. 2), applied to the field of health. In this field, which has undergone a major change over the last fifteen years, we are able to offer a global vision of the metabolites produced by the human body or cells. We can help advance the understanding of the biological mechanisms of several diseases, or even their treatment, based on this type of approach. We have a panel of expertise covering all the crucial steps for the validation of an efficient analysis method at the interface of chemistry and biochemistry: sample preparation, spectroscopic development, development of an analytical method (targeted or untargeted), biological interpretation. In this context, we benefit from a network of scientific collaborations, notably in AP-HP hospitals, which has enabled us to develop a national « MetaboParis-Santé » project focused on the health sciences.
Since October 2019, this platform has a unique equipment in France, meeting international standards and a high reproducibility, using a targeted method (Fig. 2) for large scale studies of biofluids (around 100 samples / day).

Chiffres clés
Partenaires hospitaliers et universitaires
échantillons par jour /par automate
systèmes dans le monde
publications par an dans le domaine

For any request of service or collaboration, thank you to contact Cédric ( ; Tel: +33 1 76 53 42 58 ; room R176)