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AuPosSOM is a free virtual screening tool for the automatic analysis of docked structures.

The on-line version of AuPosSOM 2.1 is available !

The analysis of contacts takes into account hydrogen-bonds / Coulombic / hydrophobic / all contacts between drugs and protein.

A scoring function to identify putative active compounds in a tree has been developed. Filters are also available to remove non-specific contacts and different types of contacts can be fused in a same analysis.

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for any problems or suggestions.


- Congrats to the 500th user who joined us on August 3, 2023.
- Version 2.0 (06 September 2012) is available on-line.

- AuPosSOM version 2.0 was presented for the first time by our colleague A. Mansyzov at the JOBIM congress at Pasteur Institute (Paris) in june 2011. Abstract: (pdf) JOBIM : site (in french).

- Tips and tricks: preAuPosSOM: a simple toolbox to make the complexes (Special thanks to A. Sakhteman)

References to cite

- Contact-based ligand-clustering approach for the identification of active compounds in virtual screening. Mantsyzov AB, Bouvier G, Evrard-Todeschi N and Bertho G*. (2012) Advances and Applications in Bioinformatics and Chemistry 5, 61-79
Abstract: ' Evaluation of docking results is one of the most important problems for virtual screening and in silico drug design. Modern approaches for the identification of active compounds in a large data set of docked molecules use energy scoring functions. One of the general and most significant limitations of these methods relates to inaccurate binding energy estimation, which results in false scoring of docked compounds. Automatic analysis of poses using self-organizing maps (AuPosSOM) represents an alternative approach for the evaluation of docking  results based on the clustering of compounds by the similarity of their contacts with the receptor. A scoring function was developed for the identification of the active compounds in the AuPosSOM clustered dataset. In addition, the AuPosSOM efficiency for the clustering of compounds and the identification of key contacts considered as important for its activity, were also improved. Benchmark tests for several targets revealed that together with the developed scoring function, AuPosSOM represents a good alternative to the energy-based scoring functions for the evaluation of docking results. '
- Automatic clustering of docking poses in virtual screening process using self-organizing map. Bouvier G, Evrard-Todeschi T, Girault JP, Bertho G*. (2010) Bioinformatics 26, 53-60

The AuPosSOM team:

Bouvier G

Mantsyzov AB

Melikian M

Girault JP

Bertho G*

Related publications

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Protein-Ligand Docking in the Machine-Learning Era.

Yang C, Chen EA, Zhang Y.Molecules. 2022 Jul 18;27(14):4568. doi: 10.3390/molecules27144568. PMID: 35889440  Review.

'Based on the assumption that active compounds should have specific contacts with their target to display activity and also to tackle the inefficiency of traditional clustering of docking poses, Bouvier et al. have proposed the Automatic analysis of Poses using Self-Organizing Map (AuPosSOM) method for pose ranking with careful analysis of interatomic contacts between the docked ligand and the target. They have demonstrated that it is possible to differentiate active compounds from inactive ones using only mean protein contacts’ footprints calculated from the multiple conformations given by docking software.'

Examples of applications

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  • Functional motions modulating VanA ligand binding unraveled by self-organizing maps. Bouvier, G., Duclert-Savatier, N., Desdouits, N., Meziane-Cherif, D., Blondel, A., Courvalin, P., ... & Malliavin, T. E. (2014). Journal of chemical information and modeling, 54(1), 289-301
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    Miri, L., Bouvier, G., Kettani, A., (...), Nilges, M., Malliavin, T.E. 2014 Proteins: Structure, Function and Bioinformatics
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  • A scalable and accurate method for classifying protein–ligand binding geometries using a MapReduce approach. Estrada, T., Zhang, B., Cicotti, P., Armen, R. S., & Taufer, M. (2012). Computers in Biology and Medicine, 42, 758–771.
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  • Self-Organizing Maps for In Silico Screening and Data Visualization Digles D, Ecker GF. (2011). Molecular Informatics, 30, p838-846
  • Conformational and functional analysis of molecular dynamics trajectories by Self-Organising MapsFraccalvieri D, Pandini A, Stella F, Bonati L. (2011). BMC Bioinformatics, 12, Article number: 158
  • Automatic selection of near-native protein-ligand conformations using a hierarchical clustering and volunteer computing. Estrada, T., Armen, R., & Taufer, M. (2010, August). In Proceedings of the First ACM International Conference on Bioinformatics and Computational Biology (pp. 204-213). ACM.

    'Docking simulations are commonly used to understand drug binding and require the search of a large space of proteinligand conformations. Cloud and volunteer computing enable computationally expensive docking simulations at a rate never seen before but at the same time require scientists to deal with larger datasets. When analysing these datasets, a common practice is to reduce the resulting number of candidates up to 10 to 100 conformations based on energy values and then leave the scientists with the tedious task of subjectively selecting a possible near-native ligand. Scientists normally perform this task manually by using visual tools. Not only the manual process still depends on inaccurate energy scoring but also can be highly error-prone.'


PhD thesis:

-Fraccalvieri, D. (2011). Comparison of protein dynamics: a new methodology based on self-organizing maps. (Tesi di dottorato, Università degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca, 2011).

-Bouvier, G. (2010). Etude d'inhibiteurs de l'intégrase du VIH-1 par RMN et modélisation moléculaire: développement et validation d'un outil de criblage virtuel (Doctoral dissertation Université Pierre & Marie Curie, 2010).


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